750 – Syllabus and Materials Design

Course Description:

A practical course exploring how to design a syllabus and supplement and adapt your courses to meet your students’ needs by using authentic resource material in the classroom to motivate and inspire learners. The course covers the processes of designing and evaluating materials based on a needs analysis and the formulation of course objectives.

The course also introduces methods and criteria for designing and writing effective materials for use in specific teaching contexts, and for selecting from, adapting or supplementing these as appropriate. The training proceeds from syllabus to materials design and materials evaluation for selection and adaptation.



740 – Essentials of Teacher Training





Requirements for a Certificate:

Minimum attendance requirement is 75% of course events.

Assessed portfolio work for practical tasks like group and individual planning, observation, demonstration, micro-teaching, discussion and feedback sessions.

1000-word end of course Reflective Essay.





Course Outline:

750.01 – Enriching learning through syllabus design

750.02 – Organizing your course to facilitate student learning

750.03 – Teaching and learning frameworks – bloom’s taxonomy

750.04 – Writing intended learning outcomes

750.05 – Sequencing the learning – UBD

750.06 – Designing daily assignments and teaching strategies

750.07 – Designing assessment strategies

750.08 – Articulating a set of policies

750.09 – Considering best teaching practices

750.10 – Considering the use of digital technology

750.11 – Resources for facilitating skill and knowledge development

750.12 – Aligning materials and media support with the learning objectives