Course Description:
This course is designed to provide a framework for school counselling programs to realise successful learners in terms of physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and moral development and serves as an organizational tool to identify and prioritize the elements of a quality school counselling program.
It aims to embed skills across the curriculum to manage a mentally healthy school and guides schools in designing, developing, implementing and evaluating a comprehensive developmental and a systemic school counselling program working in the unique international context of international schools.
Requirements for a Certificate:
Minimum attendance requirement is 75% of course events.
Assessed portfolio work for practical tasks like group and individual planning, observation, demonstration, micro-teaching, discussion and feedback sessions.
1000-word end of course Reflective Essay.
Course Outline:
560.01 – The purpose of educational guidance
560.02 – Stages of human development and areas of guidance
560.03 – Coordinating a school system of pastoral care
560.04 – Individual student planning and responsive services
560.05 – Management agreements and use of data
560.06 – Fundamental techniques and skills in guidance
560.07 – Physical, emotional and sexual abuse counselling
560.08 – Helping strategies in career guidance
560.09 – Dealing with behavior dysfunction
560.10 – Engage in psychological testing and other testing
560.11 – How to manage the guidance service effectively
560.12 – Determining counselor performance standards